
Graduate Students

Nellie Amosi, MS, New Mexico State University: 2020
Ph.D Graduate Student (expected, 2023)

Research area:
Vulnerability and Risk Analysis of the impacts of extreme climate and tropical cyclones on ecosystems and livelihoods in Southern Africa ( Malawi and Mozambique case studies)



Dickens O. Molo
MS, Natural Resources (Climate Change and Food Security); 2020
MS, Agriculture Resources Economics (UCONN); 2016

Vincent O. Otieno
BS, Meteorology (University of Nairobi); 2007
MS, Natural Resources (UCONN):Regional climate modeling; 2010
Ph.D., Natural Resources (UCONN): Regional climate modeling(2014)

Fisseha G. Berhane
BS, Civil Engineering (Mekele University): 2006
MS Graduate Student: Spring 2011; PhD, Johns Hopkins(2017)

Aimee Mwizerwa
BS, Soil Science/Agriculture (National University of Rwanda): 2010
MS Graduate Student: Spring 2013; MEd, UCONN (2015)



Undergraduate students

Past Undergraduate Assistants

Paul Leach (REU Protege (2010)
Undegraduate Research Assistant (Graduated Spring 2011)
Major: Computer Science
Research area: Develeopment of AFRMIP web portal

Weini Qiu (REU Protege(2010-2012))
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Spring 2011),MS M.I.T( 2014)
Double Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering
Research area: Data Analysis(IPCC AR4 projections over Horn of Africa)

Thomas Gworek (REU Protege(2012)
Undegraduate Research Assistant
Major: Computer Science
Research area: Climate Model Data Analysis

Mitchell Console (REU Protege(2012)
Undegraduate Research Assistant
Major: Geosciences & Environmental Engineering
Research area: Climate Extremes and Trends over Northeast United States

Corey Vann (REU Protege: 2013)
Undegraduate Research Assistant
Major: Natural Resources
Research area: Climate Extremes and Trends over Northeast United States

Visiting Scientists

George O. Kabaka (Jan-July 2013)
BA, Geography (University of Nairobi): 2006
MA, Geography (University of Nairobi): 2011
Ph.D Candidate:University of Nairobi)
Assistant Research Scientist: IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Center (ICPAC)-Nairobi

Research area: Development of drought indices and real timeĀ  monitoring platform for Equatorial East Africa